
Cinemax Cinemas

The phone number +91-22-65298416 belongs to Cinemax Cinemas company. The company office address: Beverly Park, Near Shivar Garden, Mira Bhayander Road, Mira Road, Thane - 401107.

The two digit area code (22) indicates that the number was registered in Mumbai.

If you are calling from Mumbai you can simply dial 2265298416.
If you are outside Mumbai region, or find yourself in roaming you should put 0 in front of the number. So you should dial 22-65298416.
If you are calling from another country dial the full number with Mumbai Area and India Country Codes +91-22-65298416.

Associated Phone Numbers: +91-22-64561320, +91-22-64561321, +91-22-64561322, +91-22-64561323
Cinemax Cinemas

Other companies associated with +91-22-65298416 phone number

Company Address Phone Numbers
Cinemax Cinemas
Cinemax Cinemas
3rd Floor, Infiniti Mall, Near Lotus Petrol Pump, Versova, New Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053 +91-22-61478888
Cinemax Cinemas
Cinemax Cinemas
Growels 101 Mall, Above Big Bazaar, Near Western Express Highway, Akurli Road, Kandivali East, Mumbai - 400101 +91-22-61474444
Cinemax Cinemas
Cinemax Cinemas
Near Sion Circle, Opposite Peninsula Restaurant, Sion Main Road, Sion, Mumbai - 400022 +91-22-61473301, +91-22-61473305, +91-22-61473314, +91-22-61473333
Cinemax Cinemas
Cinemax Cinemas
Brihan Mumbai Sahakari, Near Goregaon Police Station, S V Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai - 400062 +91-22-28779581, +91-22-64561324, +91-22-64561325, +91-22-64561326, +91-22-64561327
Cinemax Cinemas
Cinemax Cinemas
Eternity Mall, Teen Haath Naka, Eastern Express Highway, Lbs Marg, Thane West, Thane - 400601 +91-22-61476611, +91-22-61476666
Cinemax Cinemas
Cinemax Cinemas
R Odeon Mall, 194, Vallabh Baugh Lane Extension, Pant Nagar, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai - 400077 +91-22-61590111
Phone number+91-22-65298416
Company NameCinemax Cinemas
AddressBeverly Park, Near Shivar Garden, Mira Bhayander Road, Mira Road, Thane
Pin code401107
Country calling code+91
Mumbai Area code22
International call prefix (Exit code)00
Trunk prefix0

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